A Look at Kybella Treatment at Adoro Medical Spa


Botox is a very popular anti aging treatment these days. People love it because the results are seen within just a few days. At Adoro Medical Spa which is located in Severna Park, MD,   you will find alternative aesthetic treatments that last for years. One of them is Kybella treatment.

So what exactly is Kybella? It is an FDA-approved prescription medication that can be used safely and effectively for enhancing the appearance as well as contour of moderate-to-severe fat underneath the chin. This fat is usually referred to as submental fat or double chin. However, you need to keep in mind that at Adoro Medical Spa, injections are not offered to children under the age of 18 years.

One of the questions that you are probably asking yourself right now is if Kybella e that occurs naturally in the body. It helps the lymphatic system break down and absorb dietary fat.

When the synthetic version of deoxycholic acid is injected into the fat underneath the chin, it kills those fat cells. This results into a significant reduction in submental fullness as well as an improved chin profile.

So, where exactly does Kybella treatment work? This treatment is mainly used for removing excess fat underneath the chin. However, it can also be used for contouring the lower jawline. In the recent past, this treatment has also been used to contour other parts of the body, such as armpit fat, bra bulges, inner knee, lower buttocks and lower back. The treatment is administered through injections that contain 10mg of deoxycholic acid per millimeter.  

For more information on Kybella treatment at Adoro Medical Spa, visit our website at https://myeyelids.com/


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